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dennis clarkflickering lightIt all started with electrolysis burning off the paint on his boat.  In following the evidence to discover the cause, he learned a lot.  Beyond a problem neighbor that would not fix a problem, he learned about the stray current emitted by the power company.  This led him to research the history of the power companies and how they used their privileged position to their advantage.

The demands of the modern home appliances grew past the quality of the power delivered by the power companies.  Power conditioning was required to meet the increasing complex appliance being installed in the home.  A system was developed to meet this need.

Homeowners desired to install ‘renewable’ or ‘green’ solar electrical generation.  This and other methods of home electrical generation, needed to be interfaced with the power coming from the power companies.  A system was developed to meet this need.

The Industrial Age was powered by fossil fuels.  However, fossil fuels are a finite resource.  The move is to use electricity to power the world.  And increasingly, electricity is being generated by ‘renewable’ or ‘green’ resources.  More investment is now being made in developing electrical generation than fossil fuel extraction.

Investors sought to develop new sources of generating electrical power.  Investor funded wind turbine farms struggled to gain access to the power grid.  An investor sought to develop solar power in space.  The power companies attempted to stymie this new source of efficient generation of electricity.  The investor persisted.  Space-based electrical power was delivered to Earth.



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Flickering Light